Terms and Regulations




Ticketing terms policy

This terms and conditions policy contains information about the way we treat ticketing requests during the Festival.

I. Not refundable

All tickets, 5 entries cards, day passes, and festival passes are non-refundable.

  1. Personal and non-transferable
    Day passes and festival passes are for personal use only, cannot be transferred
  2. Reduced Tariff
    The Festival reserves the right to request proof of eligibility upon entry (student card, AVS card, etc.)
  3. On site bookings
    Only one entry tickets give access to a screening without preliminary booking. For all other day passes, festival passes or 5 entries cards, there is no access guarantee to the screenings without prior reservation. You must book a seat either online or at the main ticket office for each on-site screening, within the limits of available seats.
    Day passes and festival passes give access to a maximum of 8 screenings per day.
  4. Online platform
    The festival pass and online pass give you access to our VOD selection. Online screenings are accessible without prior reservation, within the limits of available spots.
    Each film will be available for 96 hours and a playback duration of 4 hours. This means that from the moment you click play, you have 4 hours to watch the film. If you start the film shortly before the end of the 96 hours period, do not refresh or close the window or you will not be able to start it again.
    The use of recording devices, cameras or cell phones is strictly prohibited. All films are imprinted with forensic and visible watermarking to trace illegal recordings.

All films are geoblocked and may only be watched from Switzerland.

Ticketing data collection https://dev.ticketack.com/legal/privacy?lang=en

This Privacy Policy contains information about the nature of the personal data that Net Oxygen Sàrl through its Ticketack ticketing system („Ticketack“, „we“, „our“) collects from you on behalf of our principal “Visions du Réel” and how and for what purpose it processes it. It applies to all personal data collected when using the ticketing system on the web and from mobile applications (hereinafter referred to as „sales channels“).

Le client reconnait que cette déclaration a été traduites du français. En cas de divergence entre cette traduction et le texte original en français, seule la version française fait foi.

I. In charge of data protection

  1. Processing and collection
    Is responsible for the collection, processing and your personal data:

Net Oxygen Sàrl
Avenue d’Aïre 56
1203 Genève
Phone: +41 (22) 364 8000
Email: dataprotection@netoxygen.ch
Website: https://www.ticketack.com

  1. Usage

Is responsible for the use of your personal data:

Net Oxygen Sàrl
Centre commercial des Charmilles
Avenue d’Aïre 56
CP 42
1203 Genève
Phone: + 41 22 364 80 00
Email: info@rt-generalnetoxygen-ch
Website: https://dev.ticketack.com/

II. General purposes of the processing operation

We use personal data to ensure the functionality of our websites and to provide our content and services. Ticketack treats personal data seriously, rigorously and in a targeted manner. In doing so, we comply with the requirements of applicable data protection law  in Switzerland and other regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

III. What data do we use and why?

  1. Access data

When you visit our websites, the browser on your computer or mobile device automatically sends data to the server of our websites. This data is temporarily stored in a log file. The following data are collected without your intervention and stored until they are deleted:

  • name and URL of the requested file
  • date and time of the request
  • amount of data transferred
  • message on successful recovery (HTTP response code)
  • browser type and browser version
  • operating system
  • URL of the referrer (i.e. the page previously visited)
  • IP address and requesting provider

We use this protocol data without assigning it to you or creating any other form of profiling for statistical analysis purposes for the operation, security and optimization of our websites, but also for anonymous recording of the number of visitors to our websites (traffic) and the extent and nature of use of our websites and services. Based on this data, we can provide personalized and localized content, analyze traffic, search and correct errors and improve our services. This use of the data also constitutes our legitimate interest. We reserve the right to check the protocol data afterwards if, on the basis of concrete elements, there is a legitimate suspicion of illegal use. We store IP addresses in log files for a limited period of time when necessary for security reasons or for the provision of services or billing for a service, for example, if you make purchases on our sites.

  1. Data to enable us to fulfil our contractual obligations

We process the personal data we need to fulfil our contractual obligations to you, such as first name, surname, address, e-mail address, billing and payment data. The deletion of these data takes place after the expiry of the legal storage periods. The data associated with a customer account (see below) will be kept in all cases for the duration of the account’s activity. We may also use your personal data to verify compliance with the terms and conditions of sale and thus fight against fraud. The legal basis for processing this data is the execution of the contract concluded with you or our legitimate interest in combating fraud.

  1. Order

For the order we need you to provide us with certain contact data such as first name, last name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. For a new registration, we collect basic data (name, address) and communication data (email address).

  1. Newsletter and surveys

We are able to offer you the opportunity to subscribe to the newsletter or a survey offered by our client; for this purpose we need the data requested when you register, in particular your e-mail address. Subscribing to a newsletter or survey is registered. Once you have subscribed, depending on the system used by our client, you will receive a message asking you to confirm the subscription („double opt-in“) at the indicated e-mail address. This is necessary to prevent third parties from subscribing with their e-mail address. You may cancel your subscription to a newsletter or waive participation in a survey at any time by notifying the address mentioned in point 1.2 without incurring any transmission costs other than those provided for in the basic rates. Of course, you will also find an unsubscribe link in each newsletter. We keep subscription data for as long as necessary to send newsletters and surveys. The registration of the subscription and the delivery address are kept as long as there is an interest in proving the original consent given. The legal basis for sending the newsletter is your consent. The legal basis for registering the subscription is our legitimate interest in proving that the shipment was made with your consent.

  1. E-Mail and other contacts (written opinions, contact with customer service)

If you contact us (for example via a contact form or an e-mail), we will process your data to process the request or notification as well as to answer any follow-up questions. If the data processing takes place for the purpose of taking pre-contractual measures at your request, for example if you are already our customer, for the performance of the contract, then the legal basis for the data processing is the performance of the contract. We will only process other personal data if you consent or if we have a legitimate interest in doing so. A legitimate interest lies, for example, in replying to your e-mail or any other request.

IV. Cookies

Ticketack uses cookies to simplify the use of services and obtain information in order to improve its services.

In particular, we use session cookies to optimize our websites. A session cookie is a small text file sent by the servers concerned when visiting a website and stored on your hard drive. This file contains a session ID with which various requests from your browser can be assigned to the shared session. These cookies are deleted after closing your browser. They make it possible, for example, to use the shopping cart or subscription booking features on several pages.

We also use a small amount of permanent cookies (also small text files stored on your device) that remain on your device and allow us to recognize your browser the next time you visit. These cookies are stored on your hard drive and automatically deleted after a predetermined period of time. Their life span is from 1 month to 10 years. Cookies allow us to offer more user-friendly services, in an efficient and secure way and to display information on the page that corresponds to your interests, for example.

Our legitimate interest in the use of cookies is to make our websites more user-friendly, efficient and secure and to adapt the information available to your interests in the best possible way and to make your online experience as informative as possible.

Cookies store the following data and information:

  • login information
  • language settings
  • search terms entered
  • information about the number of visits to our websites and the use of the individual functions of our website.

When the cookie is activated, it is assigned an identification number and no assignment of your personal data to this identification number will be made. Your name, IP address or similar data that would allow the cookie to be associated with your account will not be included in the cookie. On the basis of cookie technology, we only receive anonymous or pseudonymized information, for example about the nature of the pages of our websites visited, the products visited, etc. You can configure your browser to be informed in advance of the cookie settings and decide on a case-by-case basis whether you exclude the acceptance of cookies in certain cases or in general, or whether cookies are totally prohibited. This may limit the functionality of websites.

V. Rights of the data subject

You have the following rights regarding your personal data. If you wish to exercise these rights, please send your request by e-mail or post, clearly indicating your identity, to the address indicated in point I.

  • Request information about your personal data processed by us. In particular, you may request information on the purposes of the processing, the category of personal data, the category of recipients to whom your data are or have been disclosed, the storage period provided for, the right of rectification; deletion, limitation of processing or opposition, the right to lodge a complaint, the origin of your data if they are not collected from us, and the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling and useful information on their details;
  • Request as soon as possible the rectification of incorrect personal data or that incomplete data stored on our servers be completed.
  • Require the deletion of your personal data stored on our servers, unless the processing of such data is necessary for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information, for compliance with a legal obligation, for reasons of public interest or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights;
  • Receive the personal data you have provided us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or require the data to be transmitted to another controller;
  • Withdraw your consent once given at any time. Consequently, we cannot continue processing the data based on this consent in the future;
  • Submitting a complaint to a supervisory authority As a general rule, you can contact the supervisory authority of your usual place of residence or work or that of our registered office.

VI. Right of opposition

If your personal data are processed on the basis of legitimate interests, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, insofar as there are reasons related to your particular situation or if the opposition is directed against direct mail. In the latter case, you have a general right of opposition, which we implement without specifying any particular situation.

VII. Data Security

We make every effort to ensure the security of your data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and technical possibilities. The personal data transmitted to us are encrypted. This applies to your orders and also to the connection in your customer account. We use the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption system, but we would like to point out that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. in the case of communication by e-mail) may have security breaches. Complete data protection against access by third parties is not possible.

To protect your data, we implement technical and organisational security measures that we continuously adapt to the state of technological knowledge. Nor do we guarantee that our offer will be available at all times, as disruptions, interruptions or failures cannot be excluded. The servers we use are regularly backed up with care.

VIII. Transfer of data to third parties

En règle générale, vos données personnelles ne sont utilisées que dans le cadre de notre entreprise

However, Ticketack may transmit your personal data to the organiser of the event you have chosen in order to fulfil the contract between you and the organiser for the purchase of the ticket and for the processing of your personal data in this respect by the organiser. If you make a reservation via the website of a partner for whom Ticketack operates a website, your personal data will also be transmitted to the relevant cooperation partner.

Personal data collected in the context of a ticket purchase may be used to inform you in the future of the existence of identical or similar events. You have the option to decide not to receive this information at any time.

If and to the extent that we outsource certain parts of our data processing (for example to a collection agency), we contractually oblige our subcontractor(s) to comply with the provisions of applicable personal data protection law when using the data and to guarantee the protection of the rights of the data subject.

Apart from these cases mentioned in this explanation (see in particular paragraph VI), there is no transfer of data to third parties outside Switzerland and the European Economic Area (EEA), and this is not foreseen.

IX. Modification of the personal data protection policy

Ticketack reserves the right to modify this personal data protection policy at any time. The changes will be published on Ticketack’s websites and will take effect as soon as they are activated.

If you have any questions or concerns about data protection, please contact us by sending a message to the contact details mentioned in point I.