With the support of the Relax Culture Association, Visions du Réel offers two inclusive screenings, during which the audience can express themselves, move around, enter and leave freely.

The screening resembles all others, with the peculiarity of always having some light in the room and more volunteers available to help and answer the audience’s questions.

Each person is welcomed in their uniqueness. This could be individuals with particular needs, families with children, or individuals with atypical behaviors, for example.

Infos and tickets

Helper Ticket

Companions of individuals with special needs receive a free ticket. Just announce it at the ticket office or online, following the instructions below.

  • La Lanterne Magique has special rates. To get a helper ticket and specify the needs, please email cmasserey@visionsdureel.ch.
  • La Vraie vie: choose Reduced (People with mobility restriction) and take a Helper ticket for 0 CHF.

Description of films in Easy French

Detailed and simplified information is available on the Relax website.