Morning Talk 2 : The intimate side of reality: approaching politics from below ?

MON 11.04 | 10:00-11:30am | La Colombière | Free entrance

Recent societal dynamics have not ceased to give political expression to common personal experiences (whether the feminist movement or questions related to gender identity). Echoing this general movement, documentary films combine freedom of tone and form to bring the intimate (love, family...) to the public space of the cinema. Why do a growing number of contemporary filmmakers want to tell their stories politically ?

Elvis A-Liang Lu (A Holy Family)
Diana El Jeiroudi (Republic of Silence)
Raúl Capdevilla Murillo (Remainders)
Daniela de Felice (Ardenza)
Vida Dena (My Paper Life)
Patrick Muroni (Ardente·x·s)

Moderator : Emmanuel Chicon