Mojsłońik – My little elephant


Mojsłońik - Mon petit éléphant

Silke Meya
2021, Germany, Luxembourg, 79 min

This film is no longer available
“Mojsłońik” tells the story of two artists who perform an elephant costume together, bringing it to life. Luzi (Marlene Ruther) is affected by an insidious disease. Nevertheless, she strives to express herself artistically in the form of performance dance. She finds herself in a constant fight with her own body which keeps her from living her dream. On some days the pain gets unbearable and Luzi begins to believe that there is a demon living inside of her, embodying her disease. Her very close and loving friendship to Magda (Ariane Bothe) seems to give her energy and room for imagination. Driven by love and care for Luzi, Magda builds “Mojsłońik”, the elephant. When Luzi meets Mika (Burak Yiğit) the girls’ friendship is put to the test and Luzi is forced to decide what's right for her.
79 min
Germany, Luxembourg
Laura MentgenNoumia FilmSilke MeyaNoumia Film

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