
Hwan-ki Min
Republic of Korea (South Korea) | 2012 | 92 min
Language : Korean
Subtitles : English, French

Young designers leave their job to found an alternative fashion house, in the hope of creating an ethical label. Rather than adopting common practices geared at ruthless exploitation and profits, they hope to build a direct relationship with their customers based on fair-trade principles. However, the capitalist world is a dangerous one. An unremitting film that skilfully conveys the pressure of the system.

Young Korean designers leave their jobs to found an alternative fashion company, in the hope of creating an ethical label. Rather than adopting common practices geared at ruthless exploitation of suppliers and clients, they hope to build direct relationships with them based on fair-trade principles. However, the capitalist world is a dangerous one where it appears impossible to be both inside and outside the system at the same time. If the company wishes to remain faithful to such principles, it will fail to achieve the success it aspires to. If it betrays its status, the group will disintegrate. Trapped between the two extremes, the young protagonists struggle, discuss and argue. A friendship may end. Supportive of his protagonists, the filmmaker remains close, his camera following them, their speech and their actions. The spaces seem almost to disappear behind the tension and the efforts of the men. As if guided by an invisible scenario, the events unfold continuously. And the edgy, breathless, feverish editing skilfully conveys the pressure of the system. The anxiety of the title is certainly there, evident and invasive – the body and the soul of the film.

Luciano Barisone
Sales contact
Hwan-ki Minozumin@daum.net

International Feature Film Competition

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