Weiß der Wind

Philipp Diettrich
Germany | 2013 | 80 min
World premiere
Language : German
Subtitles : English, French

A young girl returns from rehab. She finds her family and the usual problems she left behind lined up again and waiting for her. Life drags on day after day and there are no easy answers around. So the family tries to stick together even though everything else is silently falling apart. Shot in black and white, the film sheds a disturbing light on the so-called German economic miracle. 

A young girl returns from rehab. She finds her family - and the usual problems she left behind - lined up again and waiting for her. She lives in the Lausitz region, east of Cottbus, on the river Lausitzer Neisse, which is also the German-Polish border, a place that has suffered severely after the German reunification of 1990 due to extreme unemployment. She tries to figure out ways to put her life together and not get back to the old habits. It is not easy though, because her life seems to be standing still. As always. There is only the wind that seems to move on endlessly. Life drags on day after day and there are no easy answers around. Well, there are no answers at all. So the family tries to stick together even though everything else is silently falling apart. Carefully crafted, a deeply observational work, Philipp Diettrich’s film eschews all the traditional trademarks of the social documentary working in a highly personal way. Shot in luminous black and white, the film sheds a disturbing light on a lesser seen part of the so-called German economic miracle. 

Giona A. Nazzaro

Sales contact
Philipp Diettrichpdiettrich@hfg-karlsruhe.de

International Feature Film Competition

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