Muerte en Arizona

Tin Dirdamal, Christina Haglund
Mexico, Bolivia | 2014 | 75 min
Languages : English, Spanish
Subtitles : English, French

Cochabamba, Bolivia. The director meets a woman and falls deeply in love. She leaves and, two years later, he returns in their - now empty - apartment, documenting this ritual. Over a year, the outside world slowly enters the apartment through the windows, as we discover connections with post-apocalyptic scenarios and other stories. A visionary film on the attempt to overcome the pain of lost love.

Cochabamba, Bolivia. One night the director meets a woman, falls deeply in love, they start living together that same night. She asks him to start a new life in the countryside. He hesitates, she leaves. He is destroyed. Two years after the event, the pain is still there and he decides to return to their - now empty - apartment and to stay living there, which he does for a year, documenting this ritual. Conversations of the couple recorded on tape, distant noises of the city, silence. Seasons flow, a family gets bigger, a house is being built. We perceive the external world slowly entering the apartment through its windows, as we follow the evolution of a deep intimate and universal struggle, and discover connections with post-apocalyptic scenarios and other stories. A very personal futuristic documentary on the attempt to overcome the pain of lost love.

Paolo Moretti

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