
Luigi Cuomo
Italy | 2015 | 46 min
International Premiere
Languages : Italian, Spanish
Subtitles : English, French

What goes on behind the closed cur- tains of an itinerant circus? Director Luigi Cuomo takes us on journey to a world that is almost forgotten. Without any romanticised or fantasised preconceived notions, he delves into a universe where the only thing that matters is hard work on a daily basis. Rene Rodogell is an ex acrobat and does not have children of his own. With an extraordinary gift for teaching and an undiminished passion for his craft, he trains girls and boys to become one day better than he ever was. Denny Montico is a fearless lion tamer. His animals respect him and in turn he respects them. Yvette De Rocchi is a tough-as-nails horsewoman and has a hard time teaching her son how to ride correctly: discipline is the name of the game. All these different people joined together form a unique family. Cuomo films his protagonists with respect and a genuine interest in their lives. Thus, the circus becomes a constellation of identities and expectations. A place where flying children, gentle lions and trotting horses share the same habitat year after year.
Giona A. Nazzaro


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Compétition Internationale Moyens Métrages

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