Farah Kassem
Belgium, Lebanon | 2017 | 29 min
World premiere
Languages : French, Arabic
Subtitles : English, French

Farah lives in Brussels. Wissam, her Syrian lover, was not able to leave Lebanon when she did. She tells the story. She reveals their romantic relationship by way of the footage shot, before her departure, in her Beirut small bedroom wide open on the city and the edgy Middle East. Alternately, softly, with the help of her neighbour Arieh, she retraces this intimate journey. On the windowsill, with Europe before her, she wonders. What is left of their story and the strength of their love beyond borders and time? The separation takes on a physical form through this device. The fragile images recorded in Lebanon are the only traces of a reality that was obvious at the time. And Farah’s search for these disappeared recollections is a small struggle to ensure that this story is not wiped from her memory. The story of all those who have had to leave their lives, their cities, their lovers unfolds through Farah and Wissam. The universal story of all those who, one day, must leave and fight not to forget.

Madeline Robert

Sales contact
Farah Kassemkassemfarah@gmail.com+9613781038

Compétition Internationale Courts Métrages

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