Frédéric Gonseth
Switzerland | 2017 | 72 min
Languages : French, German
Subtitle : French

In these times, with public service in the media being called into question in Switzerland, it is important to not remain focused merely on audio-visual issues, but to also look at what is happening in the written press, which remains one of the pillars of our democracy. This is what led us to welcome the newspaper, Le Courrier (Geneva), which is celebrating its 150th anniversary.
Before a public discussion on the importance of the media, Frédéric Gonseth’s new film Le Printemps du journalisme will be screened. Based on the fact that the traditional media were consecrating a certain generational rupture, the director widened his reflections to take in current events: the publisher Ringier had just decided to close L’Hebdo, an essential weekly in terms of political and social thinking in French-speaking Switzerland. Around demonstrations of support, from the preparation of the final edition to the search for new perspectives via the Internet, the film pursues its questioning of the relationship between democracy and “fake news”.

Philippe Clivaz

Special Screenings

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