Daniel Kemény
Switzerland | 2020 | 75 min
World premiere
Language : Italian
Subtitles : English, French
Daniel Kemény returns twenty years later to the place of his childhood, the village of Pietrapaola in Calabria. In search of lost time, the filmmaker collects musical accounts, brings together their protagonists and gives these memories a new life, thus playing the generous transmitter who helps keep alive the oral history of a world whose popular traditions are dying off.
Daniel Kemeny returns twenty years later to the place of his childhood, the village of Pietrapaola in Calabria. Hanging to a rocky peak, the village has 200 inhabitants compared to 20,000 in the past. In the journey into the past, the filmmaker hurtles down the hamlet’s empty streets in search of lost time. The residents gradually become visible and the repairing of the thread of history can thus begin. Daniel collects musical accounts, brings together protagonists and reconstructs moments, giving memories a second life. To propel this new lease of life, he invites his people to return to the course of events. From audio cassettes left aside to broken guitars, a relaunch is organised first, bringing blissful smiles to inhabitants who had not experienced musical sensations for a long time. In view of this reactivation of memory, Daniel also plays the role of the generous transmitter who helps keep alive the oral history of a world whose popular traditions often die off in indifference.
Tom Bidou