Sophie Ballmer
Switzerland | 2023 | 40 min
World premiere
Language : French
Subtitles : English
In the house, Sophie films everything upside down. Floors and ceilings, windows and doors, inside and outside… Everything is jumbled. The Lausanne-based director uses these images to tell the story of the never-ending renovation of a family home in the Jura mountains, inherited by her partner Tarik. Attracted by the potential of this villa, they started by knocking it down. Then came the time to rebuild it... Other characters come into focus as the film gradually unfolds, revealing the stories of several generations, each with their different dreams and lifestyles. Generations like that of Alain and Magali, who have been driving around Europe in their Porsche since losing their money on the stock market, or that of Granny and her unsuccessful attempts to sign up to Exit. Sophie gently and humorously deconstructs it all: from terraces and staircases to the patriarchy and capitalism, in an attempt to pave the way for an achievable utopia. And if Sophie films the house in a topsy-turvy way, it’s because building a home requires mixing the personal with the political.
Madeline Robert