François-Xavier Destors & Gaël Kamilindi
Switzerland, France, Rwanda | 2024 | 85 min
World premiere
Language : French
Subtitle : English

"Didy is everywhere”, says Gaël Kamilindi at the start of his film. And yet, the emptiness is immense. In order to fill this void, he sets off for Rwanda, accompanied by François-Xavier Destors, in search of his mother Didy, who died when he was five. Heartrending archival footage mingles with survivors’ memories to paint the portrait of this woman, thus setting in motion the process of mourning.

"How can you have a burial when there is no body?" This is the question posed by Didy, a hybrid investigative film that traces the civil wars, the arrival of HIV and the unprecedented violence and discrimination experienced by the Tutsi people from the 1960s onwards. Gaël Kamilindi immigrated to Switzerland at the age of seven and, like so many other Rwandans who settled abroad, the children of the 'post-genocide' period, he very quickly lost the language, memories and scents of his homeland. At the age of twenty, faced with this void, something clicked and he travelled to Burundi where his mother was buried - somewhere, or rather everywhere. This film, made with François-Xavier Destors, is his ritual, his ceremony. He feels his way, reviving his mother through his friend, the actress Kayije Kagame, who resembles her and who also bears the scars of her country as a legacy. He rekindles the memories of his surviving aunts, visits the graves of his ancestors, discovers sublime archives, puts the pieces of his pain back together, gradually finds and writes his place in this family, this history, this country, and leaves his mark.
Anne Delseth
François-Xavier Destors
didy, 2024
Toxicily, 2023
Thiaroye 44, 2022
Mandela, un symbole contre l’apartheid, 2019
Norilsk, l’étreinte de glace, 2018
Les Années 68, 2018
Les Voix de Srebrenica, 2015
Rwanda, la surface de réparation, 2014
Paris une histoire Capitale, 2012

Gaël Kamilindi
didy, 2024


Themed walks

Filmmakers or researchers from UNIL will take you on a walk through the streets of Nyon to delve into and deepen your appreciation of this film’s subject. Balade avec Gaël Kamilindi, réalisateur de Didy

Eva Sehet
Adrien KesslerEugène Safali
Jean Reusser
José-Michel BuhlerADOK FILMSNathalie de MareuilCPB FILMSSteven ArtelsRTS Radio Télévision SuisseDida NibagwireIyugi Productions
Sales contact
Véroniqueé Michel

National Competition

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