Ilyas Yourish & Shahrokh Bikaran
Afghanistan, Belgium, Germany, France | 2024 | 106 min
World premiere
Subtitles : English, French

Interreligious Award

Deep in the mountains of Afghanistan, a Hazara family – a historically oppressed ethnic people – tries to uncover the truth behind the sudden death of their daughter, Zahra, who moved to Kabul to study. In this poetic and poignant film, her sister Freshta narrates countless hours on the road, administrative and technological obstacles to justice... until the Taliban’s rise to power.

Kamay is the name of an ancient plant which carpets the mountains of central Afghanistan, historically inhabited by the Hazara people, who were massacred at the end of the 19th century for having sought independence. A journey of several days by bus separates this area from the capital, Kabul. The roads are dangerous and covered in snow, and the camera sometimes needs to be turned off to avoid run-ins with the authorities. None of this has stooped Zahra's parents from pursuing their quest for justice following her disappearance, while her little sister, who also dreamed of studying, relates her experiences of harassment, solitude and loss. The grey skies of Kabul contrast with the breathtaking beauty of the tall peaks, which echo back the song that Freshta sings for her sister. There is the poetry of daily life, the love which endures in this home, the gestures, the animals. But suddenly, the family’s enquiries are obstructed, there is no way forward, History overtakes personal lives, and Zahra's destiny merges with that of every woman in the country. This highly contemporary film is a contemplation of unconditional love and the resistance of Afghan women.

Anne Delseth

Ilyas Yourish
Kamay, 2024

Shahrokh Bikaran
Kamay, 2024

Screenings and tickets

Sunday 14 April 2024 10:45
In the presence of the director

Wednesday 17 April 2024 13:45


Ilyas YourishShahrokh Bikaran
Joëlle AlexisJoëlle Alexis
Aqela SharifiShahrokh Bikaran
Karim Baggili
Ilyas YourishKamay FilmEvelien De GraefClin d'oeil filmsKarsten StoterRow PicturesSerge GordeyHanne PhlypoClin d'oeil films
Sales contact
Maëlle GueneguesCAT&

International Feature Film Competition

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