Kevine and Fortune

Sarah Imsand
Switzerland | 2025 | 62 min
World premiere
Language : French
Subtitles : French, English

Kevine and Fortune, two inseparable friends, play for the same football team in Yaoundé. To achieve their dream of playing for a foreign club, they must gain recognition as female footballers. Kevine signs with a renowned team and leaves her country behind, while Fortune holds onto the hope of joining her one day. A dazzling modern tale of sisterhood and determination.

Minimum legal age 12 years, recommended 14 years and over
Kevine et Fortune, 2025
Bodybuilding, 2025
Tezeta, 2020
Le Chant de l'oiseau, 2019

Screenings and tickets

Monday 7 April 2025 18:15
Théâtre de Marens, Nyon
In the presence of the director

Tuesday 8 April 2025 18:15
Théâtre de Grand-Champ, Gland, Gland

Sarah Imsand
Sylvain Marco Froidevaux
Olivia FreyRomain Namura
Styve TakamYann Sauvin
Frank WilliamsStéphane CochetPedro Kouyaté
Dominique MalatestaHaute Ecole de Travail Social de LausanneIrene Muñoz MartinAUTRE TERREMarc-Antoine BerthodHaute Ecole de Travail Social de LausanneAnita HugiHEAD - Haute Ecole d'Art et Design GenèvePalmyre BadinierHEAD - Haute Ecole d'Art et Design GenèveOlivier ZuchuatHEAD - Haute Ecole d'Art et Design GenèveBéatrice BerthoHaute Ecole de Travail Social de Lausanne
Sales contact
Irene Muñoz

National Competition

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