Elie Grappe
Ukraine, France, Switzerland | 2021 | 90 min
Languages : Ukrainian, French, Portuguese, Russian
Subtitles : French, English
In exile in Switzerland, Olga, a 15-year-old Ukrainian gymnast, is torn between her irrepressible desire to take part in the European Championships and her growing fears for her family back in Kiev, who witnessed the Euromaidan uprising. Elie Grappe has produced a brilliant first film, driven by a powerful narrative and breathtaking formal virtuosity.
Minimum legal age 12 years, recommended 14 years and over
Minimum legal age 12 years, recommended 14 years and over
Olga, 2021
Suspendu, 2015
Suspendu, 2015
Screenings and tickets
Wednesday 9 April 2025 16:15
Capitole Fellini, Nyon
Lucie Baudinaud
Suzana Pedro
Pierre Desprats
Françoise MayorJean-Marc FröhlePoint ProdTom DercourtCinema Defacto