Films 2020

Davos Daniel Hoesl & Julia Niemann etat-du-mondeinternational-feature-film-competition
Trouble Sleep Alain Kassanda etat-du-mondeinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Off the Road José Permar histoires-drolesinternational-feature-film-competition
Film still of the film Under Blue Skies, directed by Ivo Zen, Visions du Réel 2020 Under Blue Skies Ivo Zen portraitsnational-competition
Papa s’en va Pauline Horovitz histoires-drolesinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
A Machine to Live In Yoni Goldstein & Meredith Zielke mondes-paralleles-confinementburning-lights-international-competition
Film still of the film Sans vous, sans moi, directed by Adèle Shaykhulova, Visions du Réel 2020
Sans vous, sans moi Adèle Shaykhulova histoires-de-familleopening-scenes
Film Still Intimate Distances, Visions du Réel 2020 Intimate Distances Phillip Warnell histoires-de-familleburning-lights-international-competition
Talking Dreams Bruno Rocchi mondes-paralleles-confinementinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Prophecy Julieta Juncadella mondes-paralleles-confinementopening-scenes
Jesa Kyungwon Song histoires-drolesopening-scenes
The Golden Buttons Alex Evstigneev etat-du-mondeopening-scenes
A Thousand-Year Stage Daphne Xu etat-du-mondeopening-scenes
Pripyat Piano Eliška Cílková mondes-paralleles-confinementinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Amor Fati Cláudia Varejão amour-desamourinternational-feature-film-competition
Begzor Begzar Bijan Anquetil amour-desamourinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Il mio corpo Michele Pennetta etat-du-mondeinternational-feature-film-competition
Becoming Animal Emma Davie & Peter Mettler animaliteatelier-peter-mettler-en
Film still of the film My Own Landscapes, directed by Antoine Chapon, Visions du Réel 2020
My Own Landscapes Antoine Chapon animaliteinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
The Last One, Visions du Réel, 2020 The Last One Nikita Merlini animaliteopening-scenes
An Ordinary Country Tomasz Wolski animaliteinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Film still of the film Rubicón, directed by Manuel Muñoz, Visions du Réel 2020 Rubicón Manuel Muñoz animaliteinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Film still of the film Man No Run, directed by Claire Denis, Visions du Réel 2020 Man No Run Claire Denis animalitemaitre-du-reel-claire-denis-en-2
Lanterne Magique animalitemaitre-du-reel-claire-denis-en-2
Film still of the film Nardjes A., directed by Karim Aïnouz, Visions du Réel 2020 Nardjes A. Karim Aïnouz revoltes-resistanceslatitudes
The Plastic House Allison Chhorn mondes-paralleles-confinementburning-lights-international-competition
Leoforio Visions du Réel 2020 Leoforio Catherine Catella & Shu Aiello mondes-paralleles-confinementnational-competition
sòne: Daniel Kemény portraitsburning-lights-international-competition
Wake Up on Mars Dea Gjinovci mondes-paralleles-confinementnational-competition
La Bobine 11004 Mirabelle Fréville mondes-paralleles-confinementinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Would You Rather Laura Marques histoires-drolesinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Film still of the film Tony Driver, directed by Ascanio Petrini, Visions du Réel 2020 Tony Driver Ascanio Petrini histoires-drolesgrand-angle
The Calm After the Storm Mercedes Gaviria histoires-de-familleburning-lights-international-competition
Love Poem Xiaozhen Wang amour-desamourburning-lights-international-competition
Film still of the film The Fantastic, directed by Maija Blåfield, Visions du Réel 2020 The Fantastic Maija Blåfield mondes-paralleles-confinementinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Tectonic Plates Peter Mettler mondes-paralleles-confinementatelier-peter-mettler-en
Film still of the film Queens, directed by Youssef Youssef, Visions du Réel 2020 Queens Youssef Youssef portraitsnational-competition
Film still of the film The Edge of Democracy, directed by Petra Costa, Visions du Réel 2020 The Edge of Democracy Petra Costa portraitsatelier-petra-costa-en
Film still of the film Maîtresse, directed by Linda Ibbari, Visions du Réel 2020 Maîtresse Linda Ibbari animaliteinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
The Pageant Eytan Ipeker animaliteinternational-feature-film-competition
The End of Time Peter Mettler etat-du-mondeatelier-peter-mettler-en
Gambling, Gods and LSD Peter Mettler etat-du-mondeatelier-peter-mettler-en
Film still of the film Picture of Light, directed by Peter Mettler, Visions du Réel 2020 Picture of Light Peter Mettler etat-du-mondeatelier-peter-mettler-en
Film still of the film Purple Sea, directed by Amel Alzakout, Khaled Abdulwahed, Visions du Réel 2020 Purple Sea Amel Alzakout & Khaled Abdulwahed etat-du-mondeinternational-feature-film-competition
Pyrale Roxanne Gaucherand animaliteburning-lights-international-competition
The First Bridge Laila Pakalniņa animaliteinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
The Top of His Head Peter Mettler revoltes-resistancesatelier-peter-mettler-en
Balifilm Peter Mettler revoltes-resistancesatelier-peter-mettler-en
Film still of the film Privé, directed by Raphaël Holzer, Visions du Réel 2020
Privé Raphaël Holzer histoires-drolesnational-competition
Le Grand Viveur Perla Sardella portraitsinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Film still of the film The Ride, directed by Esther Polak, Ivar van Bekkum, Visions du Réel 2020 The Ride Esther Polak & Ivar van Bekkum portraitsinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
The Leaves Hamid Jafari portraitsinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Invisible Paradise, Visions du Réel 2020 Invisible Paradise Daria Yurkevich mondes-paralleles-confinementinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
A Class Story Valerio Jalongo mondes-paralleles-confinementnational-competition
The Wolf Kids Otávio Almeida histoires-de-familleopening-scenes
Film still of the film Non Western, directed by Laura Plancarte, Visions du Réel 2020 Non Western Laura Plancarte amour-desamourinternational-feature-film-competition
The Eyes in the Woods and the Taste in the Water Luciana Mazeto & Vinícius Lopes amour-desamourinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Cows on the Roof Aldo Gugolz animalitenational-competition
Film still of the film The Other One, directed by Francisco Bermejo, Visions du Réel 2020
The Other One Francisco Bermejo animaliteburning-lights-international-competition
Film still of the film On Hold, directed by Laura Rantanen, Visions du Réel 2020
On Hold Laura Rantanen animaliteinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Olmo and the Seagull Petra Costa & Lea Glob amour-desamouratelier-petra-costa-en
An Unusual Summer Kamal Aljafari mondes-paralleles-confinementburning-lights-international-competition
Brothers – A Family Film Valentin Merz histoires-de-familleinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Film still of the film Prière pour une mitaine perdue, directed by Jean-François Lesage, Visions du Réel 2020 Prière pour une mitaine perdue Jean-François Lesage portraitsburning-lights-international-competition
Eastern Avenue Peter Mettler portraitsatelier-peter-mettler-en
Film still of the film The Silhouettes, directed by Afsaneh Salari, Visions du Réel 2020
The Silhouettes Afsaneh Salari revoltes-resistancesinternational-feature-film-competition
Film still of the film Tente 113, Idomèni, directed by Henri Marbacher, Visions du Réel 2020 Tente 113, Idomèni Henri Marbacher etat-du-mondeopening-scenes
Bella Thelyia Petraki amour-desamourinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Correspondence Carla Simón & Dominga Sotomayor histoires-de-familleinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
The Disqualified Hamza Ouni portraitsburning-lights-international-competition
Punta Sacra Francesca Mazzoleni revoltes-resistancesinternational-feature-film-competition
Film still of the film I Bought a Time Machine, directed by Yeon Park, Visions du Réel 2020 I Bought a Time Machine Yeon Park histoires-drolesopening-scenes
Away Peter Mettler histoires-drolesatelier-peter-mettler-en
Film still of the film El Father Plays Himself, directed by Mo Scarpelli, Visions du Réel 2020
El Father Plays Himself Mo Scarpelli histoires-de-familleinternational-feature-film-competition
The Blue Star Valentin Noujaïm histoires-de-familleinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Sing Me a Song Thomas Balmès histoires-de-famillegrand-angle
Film still of the film Kombinat, directed by Gabriel Tejedor, Visions du Réel 2020 Kombinat Gabriel Tejedor etat-du-mondeinternational-feature-film-competition
S P A C E S Nora Štrbová histoires-de-familleopening-scenes
Traces of a Landscape Petr Zaruba portraitsinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Scissere Peter Mettler animaliteatelier-peter-mettler-en
Rara Avis Mirjam Landolt animalitenational-competition
Vers Mathilde Claire Denis animalitemaitre-du-reel-claire-denis-en-2
Shadows of Your Childhood Mikhail Gorobchuk animaliteinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Film still of the film Goodnight Goodnight, directed by Mackenzie Reid Rostad, Visions du Réel 2020 Goodnight Goodnight Mackenzie Reid Rostad amour-desamourinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Undertow Eyes Petra Costa amour-desamouratelier-petra-costa-en
Film still of the film Land Underwater, directed by Maddi Barber, Visions du Réel 2020 Land Underwater Maddi Barber amour-desamourinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Lancalot Freely Peter Mettler revoltes-resistancesatelier-peter-mettler-en
One More Jump Emanuele Gerosa revoltes-resistancesnational-competition
Nemesis, Visions du Réel 2020 Nemesis Thomas Imbach etat-du-mondeinternational-feature-film-competition
Fish Eye Amin Behroozzadeh animaliteinternational-feature-film-competition
The Perimeter of Kamsé, Visions du Réel The Perimeter of Kamsé Olivier Zuchuat animalitenational-competition
NA China Marie Voignier etat-du-mondeburning-lights-international-competition
Film still of the film Nous la mangerons, c'est la moindre des choses, directed by Elsa Maury, Visions du Réel 2020 Nous la mangerons, c’est la moindre des choses Elsa Maury animaliteinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Ecstasy Moara Passoni animaliteatelier-petra-costa-en
Mat et les gravitantes Pauline Penichout revoltes-resistancesopening-scenes
Jungle Louise Mootz revoltes-resistancesinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Of Land and Bread, Visions du Réel Of Land and Bread Ehab Tarabieh revoltes-resistanceslatitudes
A Horse Has More Blood Than a Human Abolfazl Talooni animaliteinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Film still of the film Smog Town, directed by Meng Han, Visions du Réel 2020 Smog Town Meng Han animalitegrand-angle
Film still of the film Elena, directed by Petra Costa, Visions du Réel 2020 Elena Petra Costa animaliteatelier-petra-costa-en
Film still of the film We Are Russia, directed by Alexandra Dalsbaek, Visions du Réel 2020 We Are Russia Alexandra Dalsbaek revoltes-resistancesinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Film still of the film Gone Home, directed by Pegah Moemen Attare, Visions du Réel 2020 Gone Home Pegah Moemen Attare histoires-de-familleopening-scenes
Heidi en Chine François Yang histoires-de-famillenational-competition
Film still of the film Obāchan, directed by Nicolasa Ruiz, Visions du Réel 2020 Obāchan Nicolasa Ruiz histoires-de-familleinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Film still of the film The Inner Mountain, directed by Michele Sammarco, Visions du Réel 2020 The Inner Mountain Michele Sammarco animaliteinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Film still of the film Las Ranas, directed by Edgardo Castro, Visions du Réel 2020 Las Ranas Edgardo Castro amour-desamourburning-lights-international-competition
Film still of the film Le Prix du bonheur, directed by Rodrigo Muñoz, Visions du Réel 2020 Le Prix du bonheur Rodrigo Muñoz amour-desamouropening-scenes
We Have One Heart Katarzyna Warzecha amour-desamourinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Trio Benjamin Bucher & Agnese Làposi amour-desamourinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition
Film still of the film Mimaroğlu: The Robinson of Manhattan Island, directed by Serdar Kökçeoğlu, Visions du Réel 2020 Mimaroğlu: The Robinson of Manhattan Island Serdar Kökçeoğlu portraitsburning-lights-international-competition
Film still of the film Leur Algérie, directed by Lina Soualem, Visions du Réel 2020 Leur Algérie Lina Soualem histoires-de-famillelatitudes
On a Clear Day You Can See the Revolution From Here Emma Charles & Ben Evans James mondes-paralleles-confinementburning-lights-international-competition
Sapelo Nick Brandestini mondes-paralleles-confinementnational-competition
Traces du Futur Peter Mettler mondes-paralleles-confinementatelier-peter-mettler-en
Babenco: Tell Me When I Die Bárbara Paz & Bárbara Paz mondes-paralleles-confinementatelier-petra-costa-en
Film still of the film Reunited, directed by Mira Jargil, Visions du Réel 2020 Reunited Mira Jargil etat-du-mondegrand-angle
Lazarus’ Hunger Diego Benevides animaliteinternational-medium-length-short-film-competition