Visions du Réel Films 2023 Films 2024 Films 2022 Films 2021 Films 2020 Films 2019 Films 2018 Films 2017 Films 2016 Films 2015 Films 2014 Films 2013 Films 2012 Sections Compétition Internationale Longs Métrages Compétition Burning Lights Compétition Nationale Compétition Internationale Moyens et Courts Métrages Grand Angle Opening Scenes Highlights Invitée d'honneur Lucrecia Martel Invitée spéciale Alice Rohrwacher Atelier Jean-Stéphane Bron Doc Alliance Selection Projections Spéciales Parcours Affaires de famille Hostilités Deus ex machina Émancipations Planète en surchauffe (…) Karina Beumer competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metragesaffaires-de-famille 12, chemin des Bruyères Jean-Stéphane Bron atelier-jean-stephane-bron 2720 Basil Da Cunha competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrages Adjusting Dejan Petrovic doc-alliance-selection After Work Erik Gandini grand-angle Against the Tide Sarvnik Kaur grand-angleplanete-en-surchauffe Al Djanat – The Original Paradise Chloé Aïcha Boro competition-internationale-longs-metragesaffaires-de-famille All the Beauty and the Bloodshed Laura Poitras projections-speciales Allo la France Floriane Devigne competition-nationale An Inhabited Volcano David Pantaleón & Jose Víctor Fuentes competition-burning-lightsplanete-en-surchauffe An Owl, a Garden & the Writer Sara Dolatabadi competition-burning-lightsaffaires-de-famille And How Miserable Is the Home of Evil Saleh Kashefi competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrageshostilites And the King Said, What a Fantastic Machine Axel Danielson & Maximilien Van Aertryck grand-angledeus-ex-machina Animal Riccardo Giacconi competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metragesdeus-ex-machina Antier noche Alberto Martín Menacho competition-internationale-longs-metragesemancipations Apocryphal County Geoffrey Lachassagne competition-burning-lights Apolonia, Apolonia Lea Glob highlightsemancipations Astrakan 79 Catarina Mourão competition-burning-lights Baby Queen LEI Yuan Bin competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metragesemancipations Behind the Lines Alaa Amer & Alisar Hasan grand-angle Borj el mechkouk Driss Aroussi competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metragesplanete-en-surchauffe Caiti Blues Justine Harbonnier competition-burning-lights Camarera de piso Lucrecia Martel invitee-dhonneur-lucrecia-martel Casa Susanna Sébastien Lifshitz projections-specialesemancipations Chagrin Valley Nathalie Berger competition-nationale Chienne de rouge Yamina Zoutat competition-nationale Ciné-Guerrillas: Scenes From the Labudović Reels Mila Turajlić highlightshostilites Cinq nouvelles du cerveau Jean-Stéphane Bron atelier-jean-stephane-brondeus-ex-machina Cleveland contre Wall Street Jean-Stéphane Bron atelier-jean-stephane-bron Connu de nos services Jean-Stéphane Bron atelier-jean-stephane-bron Corpo celeste Alice Rohrwacher invitee-speciale-alice-rohrwacher Darkroom Asli Baykal competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrages De Djess Alice Rohrwacher invitee-speciale-alice-rohrwacher Dear Daughter Hsu Pan Naing opening-scenesaffaires-de-famille Deep Rising Matthieu Rytz projections-specialesplanete-en-surchauffe Defectors Hyun kyung Kim competition-internationale-longs-metragesaffaires-de-famille Dentures Nikhil Lama & Siddharth Potade competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metragesaffaires-de-famille Dildotectonics Tomás Paula Marques competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrages Disturbed Earth Kumjana Novakova & Guillermo Carreras-Candi doc-alliance-selection Do You Get Me? Otto Lazić-Reuschel opening-scenes Domus de janas Myriam Raccah competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrages Dreamers Stéphanie Barbey & Luc Peter competition-burning-lightshostilites Eat Bitter Ningyi Sun & Pascale Appora-Gnekindy grand-angle El agua Elena López Riera projections-speciales En attendant les robots Natan Castay competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metragesdeus-ex-machina Fauna Pau Faus competition-internationale-longs-metragesplanete-en-surchauffe Filming Samuel Moreno Alvarez competition-burning-lights Floating Islands Nicolas Humbert & Simone Fürbringer competition-nationale Follow the Water Clément Postec & Pauline Julier competition-nationaleplanete-en-surchauffe For Mouna Spencer Bogaert opening-scenes Full Tank Benjamin Bucher & Julia Bünter competition-nationale Futura Francesco Munzi, Pietro Marcello & Alice Rohrwacher invitee-speciale-alice-rohrwacheremancipations Future Ruins Carolina Sánchez, Elvira Arbós, Francisco Armenteros Sánchez & Ran Chen opening-scenesemancipations Grasshopper Republic Daniel McCabe competition-internationale-longs-metragesplanete-en-surchauffe Guián Nicole Chi Amén competition-burning-lightsaffaires-de-famille Gwetto Michaël Andrianaly competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrages Hawar, Our Banished Children Pascale Bourgaux competition-nationalehostilites Heart of an Astronaut Jennifer Rainsford competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metragesdeus-ex-machina Hours of Ours Komtouch Napattaloong competition-internationale-longs-metrageshostilites How Are You, Baba? Ghada Fikri opening-scenesaffaires-de-famille I Did Not Want to Make a War Film Nadia Parfan projections-speciales I Stumble Every Time I Hear From Kyiv Daryna Mamaisur projections-speciales In Ukraine Piotr Pawlus & Tomasz Wolski competition-internationale-longs-metrageshostilites Incident Bill Morrison competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metragesdeus-ex-machina JLG/JLG: Autoportrait de décembre Jean-Luc Godard projections-speciales Knit's Island Ekiem Barbier, Guilhem Causse & Quentin L'helgoualc'h competition-burning-lightsdeus-ex-machina L’Arrestation de C. Arthur Jaquier opening-scenes L'Expérience Blocher Jean-Stéphane Bron atelier-jean-stephane-bron L'Opéra de Paris Jean-Stéphane Bron atelier-jean-stephane-bron La Bonne Conduite (Cinq histoires d'auto-école) Jean-Stéphane Bron atelier-jean-stephane-bron La ciénaga Lucrecia Martel invitee-dhonneur-lucrecia-martelaffaires-de-famille La Lanterne Magique : L’extraterrestre et les animaux projections-speciales La Maison Sophie Ballmer competition-nationale La mujer sin cabeza Lucrecia Martel invitee-dhonneur-lucrecia-martel La niña santa Lucrecia Martel invitee-dhonneur-lucrecia-martel La Ricerca Giuseppe Petruzzellis competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrages Landshaft Daniel Kötter competition-burning-lightshostilites Lazzaro felice Alice Rohrwacher invitee-speciale-alice-rohrwacher Le Fils du chasseur Juliette Riccaboni competition-nationaleaffaires-de-famille Le Génie helvétique Jean-Stéphane Bron atelier-jean-stephane-bron Le Mal des ardents Alice Brygo competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrages Le meraviglie Alice Rohrwacher invitee-speciale-alice-rohrwacheraffaires-de-famille Le Miracle du Saint Inconnu Alaa Eddine Aljem projections-speciales Le pupille Alice Rohrwacher invitee-speciale-alice-rohrwacher Le Spectre de Boko Haram Cyrielle Raingou highlightshostilites Leguas Lucrecia Martel invitee-dhonneur-lucrecia-martel Les Hommes du port Alain Tanner projections-speciales Les Horizontales projections-speciales Les Oubliés de la Belle Étoile Clémence Davigo competition-internationale-longs-metragesemancipations Locus cordis Alhasan Yousef opening-scenes Losing Ground competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrageshostilites Love Is Not an Orange Otilia Babara highlightsaffaires-de-famille Love to Love You, Donna Summer Roger Ross Williams & Brooklyn Sudano projections-speciales Ma rue de l'Ale – Episodes 1 et 2 Jean-Stéphane Bron atelier-jean-stephane-bron Ma rue de l'Ale – Episodes 3 et 4 Jean-Stéphane Bron atelier-jean-stephane-bron Má Sài Gòn (Mother Saigon) Khoa Lê competition-burning-lightsemancipations Machtat Sonia Ben Slama competition-internationale-longs-metragesaffaires-de-famille Masterclass Alice Rohrwacher invitee-speciale-alice-rohrwacher Masterclass Jean-Stéphane Bron atelier-jean-stephane-bron Masterclass Lucrecia Martel invitee-dhonneur-lucrecia-martel May the Earth Become the Sky Ana Vijdea doc-alliance-selection My Father’s Prison Iván Andrés Simonovis Pertíñez competition-internationale-longs-metragesaffaires-de-famille My Worst Enemy Mehran Tamadon highlightshostilites Natalia Elizabeth Mirzaei competition-burning-lightsemancipations Nearest Neighbor Rebecca Baron & Douglas Goodwin competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metragesdeus-ex-machina Neighbouring Sounds Kleber Mendonça Filho projections-speciales Nightwatchers Juliette de Marcillac grand-anglehostilites Notre corps Claire Simon highlightsemancipations Nueva Argirópolis Lucrecia Martel invitee-dhonneur-lucrecia-martel O auto das ánimas Pablo Lago Dantas competition-internationale-longs-metragesaffaires-de-famille Omelia contadina JR & Alice Rohrwacher invitee-speciale-alice-rohrwacherplanete-en-surchauffe Once Again Giulia Di Maggio opening-scenes One Aloe, One Ficus, One Avocado and Six Dracaenas Marta Smerechynska opening-sceneshostilites Orlando, ma biographie politique Paul B. Preciado highlightsemancipations Para no olvidar Laura Gabay competition-nationaleaffaires-de-famille Paradise Alexander Abaturov grand-angleplanete-en-surchauffe Pianoforte Jakub Piątek grand-angle Planet B Pieter Van Eecke grand-angleplanete-en-surchauffe Punta Sacra Francesca Mazzoleni projections-speciales Pure Unknown Mattia Colombo & Valentina Cicogna competition-internationale-longs-metrageshostilites Quattro strade Alice Rohrwacher invitee-speciale-alice-rohrwacher Ruäch – A Journey Into Yenish Europe Andreas Müller & Simon Guy Fässler competition-nationaleemancipations Rui Ruslan Fedotow competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrages Samuel and the Light Vinícius Girnys competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metragesplanete-en-surchauffe Self-Portrait Along the Borderline Anna Dziapshipa competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrages Sensitive Content Narges Kalhor competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrageshostilites She Chef Melanie Liebheit & Gereon Wetzel grand-angle Songs Along a River Aisha Jain opening-scenesplanete-en-surchauffe Sonnenhof Tatjana Fanny Honegger opening-scenes Souvenirs d'une journée parfaite Davina Maria competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrages Squid Fleet Ed Ou & Will N. Miller competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metragesplanete-en-surchauffe Still Film James N. Kienitz Wilkins competition-burning-lights Sundial Liis Nimik competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrages Sur l'Adamant Nicolas Philibert projections-speciales Taxibol Tommaso Santambrogio competition-burning-lights Terminal norte Lucrecia Martel invitee-dhonneur-lucrecia-martelemancipations The Avalanche Pınar Ogrenci competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrages The Bilbaos Pedro Speroni competition-internationale-longs-metragesaffaires-de-famille The Building Opposite Siri Pårup opening-scenes The Echo Tatiana Huezo grand-angleplanete-en-surchauffe The Last Year of Darkness Ben Mullinkosson highlightsemancipations The Lights of Kyiv Serhii Tykhoniuk projections-speciales The Mountains Christian Einshøj grand-angleaffaires-de-famille The Statues Natalia Garcia Clark opening-scenesemancipations The Wonder Way Emmanuelle Antille competition-nationale The Wonderful Pain of the Wild Broom Olivia Ginevra Calcaterra opening-scenes Theatre of Thought Werner Herzog projections-specialesdeus-ex-machina Theatre of Violence Emil Langballe & Lukasz Konopa highlightshostilites This Woman Alan Zhang competition-burning-lightsemancipations Three Promises Yousef Srouji competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metragesaffaires-de-famille Three Women Maksym Melnyk doc-alliance-selection Un piccolo spettacolo Alice Rohrwacher & Pier Paolo Giarolo invitee-speciale-alice-rohrwacher Un pincement au coeur Guillaume Brac competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metragesemancipations Una canzone Alice Rohrwacher invitee-speciale-alice-rohrwacher Under One Roof Yu Wang opening-scenes Vampires, It's Nothing to Laugh at Kinga Michalska competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metragesemancipations Vera Tizza Covi & Rainer Frimmel highlightsemancipations Violettina Alice Rohrwacher invitee-speciale-alice-rohrwacher waking up in silence Daniel Asadi Faezi & Mila Zhluktenko competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrages When Spring Came to Bucha Mila Teshaieva & Marcus Lenz highlightshostilites While the Green Grass Grows Peter Mettler competition-internationale-longs-metragesaffaires-de-famille You Know It's Going to Be About War Olha Tsybulska projections-speciales Zama Lucrecia Martel invitee-dhonneur-lucrecia-martel Zimmerwald Valeria Stucki competition-internationale-moyens-et-courts-metrages