In 2025, numerous coverted cash and in-kind prizes will be awarded to projects participating in the official VdR–Industry selection across three key activities: VdR–Pitching, VdR–Work in Progress and VdR–Rough Cut Lab.

In collaboration with our Awards Partners, the VdR–Industry Awards are designed to reaffirm our determination to support independent documentary filmmaking in all its diversity. The VdR–Industry Awards Ceremony will take place in the evening of Wednesday 9 April 2025.

→ Discover all the 2025 projects

2025 VdR–Industry Awards

Eurimages Co-production Development Award
€ 20’000 in cash, this award has been created to promote the Fund’s role in encouraging international co-production from the initial stages of a project.

visions sud est Award
CHF 10’000 in cash awarded to the best project from the South (Africa, Latin America and Asia) or from Eastern Europe (according to SDC’s eligibility country list) presented at either the VdR–Pitching, VdR–Work In Progress or VdR–Rough Cut Lab.

RTS Award
A RTS pre-buy of one project pitched at the VdR–Pitching showcase.

Tënk Post-production Award
Sound post-production facilities at Tënk studios (France) including 2 weeks in the mixing studio and 1 week in the Auditorium. 

Tënk Opening Scenes Award
Purchase of distribution rights for one film of the Opening Scenes section.

The Party Film Sales Award
€ 3’000 in cash awarded to the project with highest international potential at the VdR–Pitching showcase.

Lightdox Award
€ 3’000 in cash awarded to the project with highest international potential at the VdR–Work In Progress showcase. 

Unifrance Doc Award in partnership with TitraFilm
Subtitles creation (to the value of €2’300) sponsored by TitraFilm and one Unifrance membership (value of €1’590) for the French producer attached to the project.

Masé Studios Award
Creation of a DCP package for one project pitched at the VdR–Work In Progress showcase with capacity to screen a projection in the Masé Studios Atmos Cinema-certified auditorium A (Geneva).

Raggioverde Subtitling Award
Subtitles creation included translation in one language.

Cannes Docs Award
Invitation to feature as a Cannes Docs ‘Spotlighted Project’, including two complimentary Marché du Film – Festival de Cannes badges valid for the 2025 or 2026 edition.

DOK Leipzig Award
Two accreditation and four nights accommodation at DOK Leipzig & observer access to the DOK Co-Pro Market for the filmmaker and producer for the 2025 or 2026 edition.

No Nation Films Fellowship Award
Six Month Fellowship aimed at giving support, guidance, counsel and mentorship to exceptional documentary film-teams from around the globe who find themselves grappling with challenges and in vulnerable circumstances for one project in the VdR–Rough Cut Lab.

AIDC Award
Two accreditations to attend the Australian International Documentary Conference (AIDC) and a fee waiver to apply to The FACTory for the 2026 edition.

DAE Encouragement Award
Two free consultations with network members tailored to the needs of the project.

Prix RTS de soutien à la création documentaire

Prix RTS de soutien à la création documentaire
CHF 10’000 for the best feature film project

This special prize will be awarded separately on the evening of Thursday 10 April 2025.

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